Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly and that we might know we are saved.
John 10:10 and John 17:3
whether you have already made the decision to choose Jesus as your savior in the past or are feeling the need to do so now, you can measure and confirm the need to do so and "Make The Decision" final, once and for all by looking inward at the Faith you currently hold in having obtained eternal life yet or not.
So we've posted a simple "Salvation Test" that should clearly reveal your current need of or assurance in having the promise of Salvation within your faith.
Salvation Test Here
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...please be patient in waiting for a reply as this is a part time venture.
Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly and that we might know we are saved.
John 10:10 and John 17:3
whether you have already made the decision to choose Jesus as your savior in the past or are feeling the need to do so now, you can measure and confirm the need to do so and "Make The Decision" final, once and for all by looking inward at the Faith you currently hold in having obtained eternal life yet or not.
So we've posted a simple "Salvation Test" that should clearly reveal your current need of or assurance in having the promise of Salvation within your faith.
Salvation Test Here