I'm a firm believer in having a solid foundation in anything that you believe and do. And the Word of God should be no acception.
Matthew 7:24
By a solid fondation I am not referring to rigid and/or time honored study skills and practices usually accustomed to the study of historical literature and/or philosophic guide books.
Those types of practices may work out fine in most literary studies but can sometimes cause you to miss a more personal point when applied to rigidly to the "Living Word Of God".
Hebrews 4:12
Yes! Keeping the content of scripture in it's context is best in finding the direct meaning and the "Who, When, Where and Why".
however, since God's word is alive and ever present for application into our present lives, it should not be strictly confined to just the specific past and or people/persons spoken to/of in the text, should the Holy Spirit, choose to minister God's words spoken then, to us now. And, for today!
2 Timothy 3:16
Establishing exactly what you believe the bible really is and who it's authored by, will go a long way in determining how well or how much of it you will be able to correctly interpret and profit from. Men wrote the words, but God is it's Author!
Matthew 4:4 | Hebrews 10:7
That is what we hope to help you experience here. By simply applying more focus on the foundational truths present when reading and hearing the biblical accounts you will be able to:
"Rightfully Divide The Word Of God"
2 Timothy 2:15
as ..."God is a spirit and those that worship Him must worship him in spirit and truth."
John 4:24
please feel free to contact us with any helps and/or questions concerning our resource pages and we will be glad to reply accordingly.
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